Your Participation in the Written Memoir:
Advance planning on your part is useful in deciding an estimated budget
and time frame.
When we decide the approximate scope and the style of your memoir, I
will give you certain tasks which help greatly in organization, thus
saving you time and money. I usually work with clients on a weekly
basis. During our interviews I gather new material and review with you
what I have previously written.
 Some of my clients decide to begin a professional memoir writing project
after years of recording memories. Others have no plan, but just know
they want to do it. The process of recalling and working together takes
over and the work takes on its own form. We may start out
chronologically, but may soon be working on several chapters at once.
Our focus may shift from one thing to another depending on what's being
revealed, but everything comes together in a way that is organized and
sequential and more information than we ever anticipated comes forth.
You need not be concerned with the interview part because that is my job
and I am competent at getting people to talk about their lives.
Interviews may include family members in a group or individually. Your
family members may be helpful in recounting tales with you or actually
being the ones to tell them. Vignettes (stories) about your life should
be entertaining, humorous, poignant, historical or otherwise nostalgic.
My Participation in the Written Memoir:
My job is to take the information from our interviews and to put it into
a cohesive narrative or a collection of stories (vignettes). I will
submit my written work for your approval following our first interview
session and will continue to do so weekly, so the process moves rapidly.
I do considerable editing as a matter of course. After we feel the
manuscript is complete, I will keep editing and proofing free of charge
until the manuscript is ready for publication. For this editing, I only
charge you if you change the content.
After the entire manuscript is approved it becomes your property. I will
hand it over to you or to my layout person for transformation into a
book with your selected photos. For the vignette style scrapbook memoir,
I will create the original for you if so desired. Or I can write and
print out the vignettes for you to arrange in your own manner if you
would prefer to save that cost.
I may ask your permission to include approved excerpts and photos on the
Sonoma LifeStories website and to keep a copy of the work, but you own
the copyright and no portion will be reprinted without your permission.